Friday, February 1, 2013


The Idaho Watercolor Society southeast region is opening a new show tonight at the Pocatello Art Center.  We were asked to show work that was "new" in some way and to explain that "newness".

JaSabin, IWS

I am showing "Connections".  My intention was to explore realistic objects in an abstract way, focusing on the dark values of the composition.  I connected all the dark values to create an interesting abstract shape--one dark value "flowing" into the adjacent one.

To test this lets play "Connect the Darks":  Squint your eyes, to obscure the objects and narrow the light, and see if the dark values do blend together and flow.


  1. they TOTALLY flow!!

    you've captured so much here, ja. and that deep, deep red of the arch. oh my...


  2. Thank you deeply from the bottom of my heart.
